Stupid Questions

(Updated 2018)
I am frequently to be found trying to make awkward conversation in a ragged attempt to illicit friendship. I ask questions that are so irritating, I should be ashamed of myself. Sometimes I'm lucky, and it's only awkward.

Anyway, I was asked one of my own stupid questions, and I couldn't answer the damn thing. It wasn't a life-changing question, it wasn't a deep question, it wasn't even an easy question. It was just one of those stupid questions. I was sent into a tailspin.

Days of fasting, covering myself in ashes, and praying to heaven for assistance, I asked myself this question over and over again...

"What IS my favorite movie?"

So I'm here to run through a list of my favorite films of all time. Because I really am THAT inane, and this is the blogosphere.

Level 1 - Top 6

These are all films that are so beloved by me that I could write a novel on my feelings for them. I own them, love them, and could watch them repeatedly. I would also turn into a fan-girl over the recitation of their contents.The following are in no particular order, because I can't figure it out.

Naughty Marietta (or anything with Nelson Eddy & Jeanette MacDonald)

Captain Wentworth holds the "single most beloved fictional male in Rachel's world" spot.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Not only do I relate more with Esmeralda than any other Disney female, but this is a freaking glorious film. Of all the under-appreciated films on earth, this one was the most inconceivable to me. 

Prince of Egypt
This movie is glorious. The soundtrack is still one of the most unbelievable works of art I've encountered in my life, and the story-telling is magnificent.

Strange Magic
It's me. In a movie.'s freaking Shakespeare and George Lucas. Also, the trailer is a disaster. This film is better than the trailer.

Lars and The Real Girl
I can't even with this movie. Can't. Even.

Level 2

These are films that I adore and would demand that my friends and family watch...probably my enemies too, because those turds need some happiness.

If I have to tell you about this film, it's because you haven't seen it...which makes you a horrible person.

We Bought A Zoo
A story about grief, love, family, and hope. And Jonsi does the soundtrack. Dang. I love this movie.

Much Ado About Nothing
The funniest and best acted Shakespeare ever put to film. Kenneth Branagh is a legend.

The Finest Hours
Courage and kindness at it's very best. And the look that Chris Pine gives his love at the end absolutely murders me.

This film gives me hope. Misguided, ultimately unrealistic, but oh, so delicious hope.

Level 3

I love these films a lot. Enough said.

The Quest for Camelot
A classic favorite of mine. This literally catapulted my slowly blossoming wanderlust into a raging fire.

Mr. Bean's Holiday
This movie is adorable and heartwarming, in the very best sense. I even cried. To a Mr. Bean film. That was weird.

Tammy and the Bachelor
My favorite of the classic films...which is a hard choice. Tammy is all heart. hard work, and honesty.

The Martian
I love NASA. I love space. I love science. And I love Matt Damon.

This film makes me happy. 


The Village
A heartbreaking film that is beautifully crafted, stunningly acted...with an amazing soundtrack. And Lucius Hunt is a god among men.

There we go. Question answered.
