Insert Positive Title Here (Because This Is Where Positivity Ends)

Tonight I am lonely
So lonely I could fall
Out of a tree just for the ground

Tonight I am hurt
So hurt that I could fly
Into the nearest open arms

Tonight I am aching
Aching like the ocean
Who hates the pulling of the moon

Tonight I am a child
A child in my heart
Who doesn’t understand the world

Tomorrow I’ll be fine
Until one more tonight
Holds out his tired hands again

Only in fairy tales do people love you for what you are. Only in fairy tales would someone ever love in a worthy way. Because in real life, one can only expect to find incessant failure.

You have spent so much time telling me not to hope for the impossible, that I only believe in the pathetic. I believe that all men will be unfaithful, no ugly woman will be loved, none of us will be protected by a loved one, and all of us will be sacrificed for their gain. I believe that the older and harder I become, the lonelier I will be and the more alone I will stay.

I spent so long hoping for Prince Philip, and finally believe that he does not exist. But I have met Maleficent, and she is as real as death. She rants and screams and injures until every heroine is too bound up in sleep and thorns to escape.

Inside my heart I am Aurora. I am loving, beautiful, kind, and full of hope. But I can’t even wake up from this ache long enough to see how trapped I am. And even if I could, I would look in a mirror and realize what everyone else has…

No idiot is going to fight a fire-breathing dragon and a forest of deadly thorns just for a kiss from me.
